...Mario Super Sluggers (MSS) is an arcade-style game similar to the previous entries in the Mario sports series. Gamers looking for a deep simulation-influenced baseball game should keep on looking. Gamers looking for a revolutionary, over-the-top baseball game that is brimming with tons of innovative and unique idea need to keep on looking as well. But if want a baseball title to sit back and play with your friends that is still loads of fun then MSS should fit the bill nicely. Remember not every game has to be a blockbuster for you to still have fun...
...Mario Super Slugger really is a game that will probably find more people playing the Exhibition mode simply because that is the true baseball portion of the game. The Mario theme of the game, special Star hits/pitches and Error Items do make for a fun filled baseball experience. The simplified controls should allow for almost anyone young or old to get into the game as well. Yet the main part of the game, the challenge mode, does feel rather flat simply because it feels like an overblown training...
Other Online Game News
Infernal game review Online Games, May 28, 2007...The majority of this game is shooting. The visuals in this game are pretty impressive at times, but this one still winds up being a bore almost from the start. The action is just plain dull, and your enemies are about as stupid as they can get. Enemy soldiers rattle off the same stupid lines over and over, while the otherwise interesting music gets drowned out by the same rock tune every time a fight starts up...
...The game runs through a list of both old-school shooter and modern day action game stereotypes as well. From the Heaven/Hell story to fairly standard boss fights to my favorite part, the key-card hunting, you'll find that this one is highly derivative. Sure, the physics system and lighting and textures are pretty nice if you've got a PC to handle that stuff on, but they don't really do anything for the actual game. The story starts...
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www.atomicgamer.comThe Club Game Review Online Games, February 29, 2008Bizarre Creations' The Club is a bewildering beast of a video game. The core gameplay conceit of tightly focused speed and combo runs through a mixture of gun-toting enemy-filled maps works extremely well in practice. Problem is, nearly everything surrounding what works is astoundingly unimpressive, from the "set up and discard" approach to an otherwise compelling backstory to the game's criminally tacked-on multiplayer. The Club certainly isn't a total waste, but the underlying quality of the gameplay makes the pain of its lesser bits and pieces feel all the more acute...
...If you're a fan of arcade games and constantly reaching for higher and higher point totals, don't worry about The Club's lesser elements. The core gameplay is tremendously entertaining, a great thing when you consider that repeat playthroughs are a must if the highest point barriers are to be broken. The multiplayer may be a bust and the story non-existent, but The Club is a worthwhile purchase for those seeking a challenging solo experience and/or a moderately-paced party game...
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www.ugo.comXbox 360 lands across the pond Online Games, September 18, 2005Long lines, low supplies, outrageous eBay prices... Microsoft's European launch mirrors North American release.
Xbox 360 launched across Europe today, and early reports are echoing those of the system's American launch last week. According to an article in The Times Online, limited supplies of the system sold out within minutes of the 12 a.m. launch.
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