...Mario Super Sluggers (MSS) is an arcade-style game similar to the previous entries in the Mario sports series. Gamers looking for a deep simulation-influenced baseball game should keep on looking. Gamers looking for a revolutionary, over-the-top baseball game that is brimming with tons of innovative and unique idea need to keep on looking as well. But if want a baseball title to sit back and play with your friends that is still loads of fun then MSS should fit the bill nicely. Remember not every game has to be a blockbuster for you to still have fun...
...Mario Super Slugger really is a game that will probably find more people playing the Exhibition mode simply because that is the true baseball portion of the game. The Mario theme of the game, special Star hits/pitches and Error Items do make for a fun filled baseball experience. The simplified controls should allow for almost anyone young or old to get into the game as well. Yet the main part of the game, the challenge mode, does feel rather flat simply because it feels like an overblown training...
Other Online Game News
Mario Super Sluggers Review Wii Online Games, September 12, 2008...Mario Super Sluggers (MSS) is an arcade-style game similar to the previous entries in the Mario sports series. Gamers looking for a deep simulation-influenced baseball game should keep on looking. Gamers looking for a revolutionary, over-the-top baseball game that is brimming with tons of innovative and unique idea need to keep on looking as well. But if want a baseball title to sit back and play with your friends that is still loads of fun then MSS should fit the bill nicely. Remember not every game has to be a blockbuster for you to still have fun...
...Mario Super Slugger really is a game that will probably find more people playing the Exhibition mode simply because that is the true baseball portion of the game. The Mario theme of the game, special Star hits/pitches and Error Items do make for a fun filled baseball experience. The simplified controls should allow for almost anyone young or old to get into the game as well. Yet the main part of the game, the challenge mode, does feel rather flat simply because it feels like an overblown training...
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www.gamezone.comHalf-Life 2: Episode 1 Review Online Games, June 6, 2006If Duke Nukem Forever can teach us anything, it's that long development times are not always good for a game. The same can be said for the much-vaunted Valve and its ongoing vaporware, Team Fortress 2. It was with this in mind that Valve decided to go in a different direction than anyone else in the industry. Rather than spending three or four years working on 20-hour long epics, they would instead focus on episodic content. The games are shorter, to be sure, but the smaller scope and speedier development times allow them to put out quality titles once every six months, rather than once every few years.
Half Life 2: Episode 1 will set the bar for determining whether folks prefer their gaming ...
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www.ugo.comGuitar Hero On Tour Review Online Games, July 4, 2008...Multiplayer is similarly full-featured, though On Tour only allows for local wireless play. Fans hoping to rock out over Nintendo's WFC will have to wait for the reunion tour. Available multiplayer modes include all of the most recent favorites: face-off, pro face-off (same as face-off, except difficulty levels must be the same for both players), co-op and guitar duel...
...Single player Guitar Duel has a level progression unto itself, a sort of Career mode alternative. Career's band-building storyline is absent here, replaced with a series of face-offs which pit players against NPC opponents. The songs and setlists are all the same across both modes, but Career and Guitar Duel both have to be opened up separately...
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